Anson Film Festival Showcase 2020

The Film Festival Showcase

Throughout the month of November the children at Anson created some amazing film content in 5 challenges. This is a small showcase of their work.

The Results Show: Anson Film Festival 2020

It's been an incredible week showcasing the work of the staff and children at Anson Primary School. Here are the results of the 2020 Anson Film Festival.

Friday: Festival Flix

As part of the Anson Film Festival the children were challenged to recreate a scene from a popular movie. Best film wins! This is the showcase of the 15 fabulous films submitted during the festival. Friday: The Film Festival Results

Thursday: Taking it slowly

As part of the Anson Film Festival the children were challenged to make themselves look cool in slow motion. Coolest film wins! This is the showcase of the 15 surprising films submitted during the festival. The winners will be announced on Friday after the final showcase. Coming up: Friday: The Film Challenge

Wednesday: The one where we went back in time

As part of the Anson Film Festival the children were challenged to reenact a moment from history using the power of film. uMost accurate reenactment wins! This is the showcase of the 15 surprising films submitted during the festival. The winners will be announced on Friday after the final showcase. Coming up: Thursday: Slow Motion Friday: The Film Challenge

Tuesday: The One with Surprises

As part of the Anson Film Festival the children were challenged to place something underneath a sheet and reveal it. Most surprising thing wins! This is the showcase of the 15 surprising films submitted during the festival. The winners will be announced on Friday after the final showcase. Coming up: Wednesday: Reenact History Thursday: Slow Motion Friday: The Film Challenge

Monday: The Disappearing Challenge

As part of the Anson Film Festival the children were challenged to make the largest thing possible disappear. Largest thing wins! This is the showcase of the 15 magical films submitted during the festival. The winners will be announced on Friday after the final showcase. Coming up: Tuesday: The Sheet Challenge Wednesday: Reenact History Thursday: Slow Motion Friday: The Film Challenge